People of Action Inspiring the World!
We Came, We Saw, We Served!

The Rotary Club of Surprise & Sun City West brings together a network of community volunteers who dedicate their time and talent to tackle the most pressing needs both in our community and abroad. Our work impacts lives at both the local level in Surprise & Sun City West, to regional and international levels. Our projects include everything from raising money for local schools, scholarships for students, food and water drives, support for senior services, community health and advocacy resources, and supporting other area non-profits and their initiatives...
Surprise & Sun City West

We meet In Person
Tuesdays at 5:00 p.m.
The Colonnade
19116 N Colonnade Way
Surprise, AZ 85374
United States of America
(218) 255-3526
2nd and 4th Tuesday Each Month from 5:00PM -6:30PM

🎄🔔 Ringing the Bell for a Great Cause! 🔔🎄

The Rotary Club of Surprise & Sun City West partnered with the Salvation Army to "Ring the Bell" and raise funds for those in need this holiday season. 🌟

We had the honor of spreading cheer and generosity at Bashas and Fry’s in Sun City West, as well as Fry’s on Bell & Reems. A huge thank you to our volunteers and the community for your support! Together, we’re making a difference. ❤️

Rotarian Phil Souza and his wife Susan Bell Ringing for the Salvation Army at Bashas. The kettle was full as people were very generous. 
Flagstar Bank hosted their annual Christmas gifting for Eve's Place. Rotarian Phil Souza volunteered along with Susan Paul-Souza and Dan Bradstreet. Families were able to select from a variety of toys and gifts for their parents, siblings and immediate family. The bank had a wrapping area set up as well and Santa stopped in for a visit. The event runs Friday - Sunday at Flagstaff Bank on Meeker Blvd and Grand Avenue in Surprise.
Rotarians at Work!
12 Rotarians and Friends of Rotary gathered on Saturday 10/26 to clean up a Surprise Steet. Our adopted street is N. Parkview Place from Greenway up to W. Paradise Lane.  
Join the Rotary Club of Surprise & Sun City West for our 3rd Annual Military Appreciation Event.  
Get your Free Ticket HERE >>>>>
The Rotary Club of Surprise Combines With The Rotary Club of Sun City West! 
The newest Rotary club in Arizona will now be The Rotary Club of Surprise and Sun City West!   Here Kevin Pitts, the outgoing Governor of Rotary International District 5495, swears in the officers for the 2024-2025 Fiscal Year! 
Congratulations to our new Board: (Right to Left) Traci Sawyer-Sinkbeil, President;  Jim Schlenvogt, President-Elect; 
Jesus Hernandez, Immediate Past President; Glenn Schmitt, outgoing president of Sun City West and now Officer; Ron Klaphake, Officer; Nancy Collins, Officer.
Former Interact Students were recognized for their contribution to our Rotary Club.  They each gave an update on their post-high school education and plans for their future.  In addition, Francisco Olaiz, (second from right) was one of two recipients for the 2024-2025 George Wheeler Scholarship.  The other student is Zoey Vincze (not in the photograph).  Their former teacher and Youth Service Director, Jeri Robertson is third from left; President-Elect Traci Sawyer-Sinkbeil is at the far right.
Youth Service Director Jeri Robertson (Left) was presented with a check by
President-Elect Traci Sawyer-Sinkbeil (Right) for the Arizona Charter Academy for their students' assistance at our 2023 Golf Tournament!  

Congratulations to Phillip Souza, Treasurer and Chairperson of our Golf Committee, who was presented with The Paul Harris Fellow award for his generous donation.  His award and pin was given by President-Elect Traci Sawyer-Sinkbeil.
On Saturday, May 4, 2024, members Susan and Phil volunteered for a Superhero event by A Mighty Change of Heart ( This organization offers support and resources to foster children to help provide for a stable home life. 
Tonight, members Jon Cavaletto and Ron Klaphake received the Paul Harris Fellowship Award and pin!  This is given to members who donate a certain amount to The Rotary Foundation.  Ron received a pin containing 4 rubies representing a total giving of between $5,000 and $5,999; Jon received a pin with 3 rubies for donating between $4,000 and $4,999.   Each received a certificate for being a member of the Paul Harris Society.  Congratulations gentlemen!
(L to R) Director of Membership, Ron Klaphake; Director, Jon Cavaletto; President-Elect, Traci Sawyer-Sinkbeil; Secretary Pamela Kohnen.
On this historic evening, President-Elect, Traci Sawyer-Sinkbeil of The Rotary Club of Surprise, held a members' vote on merging our club with The Rotary Club of Sun City West.  The vote was unanimous among the members who were present.  During this meeting, Ron Klaphake inducted a new member, Nancy Estrada, into our group!  Welcome, Nancy! (L to R:  President-Elect, Traci Sawyer-Sinkbeil; Secretary Pamela Kohnen, Ron Klaphake, and Nancy Estrada.)
Members of the Rotary Club of Surprise had a fun time filling up donated bags of beans for the less fortunate.  At Rotary we get involved in all kinds of things to help people!
Congratulations to Phil Souza (right) who is our Rotary Member of the Month!  Jesus Hernandez (left), the President of our Rotary Club, is presenting a pin.
Ron Klaphake, a long-time member of the Rotary Club, was spotlighted this month.  
An Example of How One Rotary Club in Arizona is Helping to Make The World A Better Place!
John A.Yaeger
The Rotary Club of Surprise, Arizona, recently sponsored a student for a grant from The Rotary Vocational Fund of Arizona, Inc. (TRVFA).  This is a non-profit organization whose purpose is to assist candidates in obtaining financial assistance in furthering their vocational studies.  Grants are awarded up to $2,000 and paid directly to a school on behalf of the recipient.  In this recent case, we’ll call our beneficiary “Nikki” to protect her privacy.
Nikki lives in Surprise, Arizona with her husband and five children!  The last two were twins—born prematurely—and had to stay in the hospital for several weeks.  During her daily visits, she became friendly with many nurses.  Some were not only competent, and passionate, but formed a bond with Nikki as they joyfully took a personal interest in monitoring the health of her twins.  This experience had a profound influence on the young mother of five.  As a result, she set a new course that involved her passion for helping people.
Nikki participates in her church’s activities and helps those less fortunate parishioners by making extra food and taking it to them.  During my interview with her, it became clear that I was speaking with a community-minded, caring person.  She was under no illusions as to how much time and money was needed to invest in becoming a nurse, but still enquired about getting into this field.
The nurses caring for her babies explained the path for Nikki to become a nurse.  At this stage, she would have to attend a vocational school and become a Certified Nursing Assistant.  With that accreditation, she could start working in the medical field.  Nikki told me that she worked out a plan to take care of her family while she was at school: her husband worked flexible hours and they were on the cusp of finding a trusted, nearby babysitter for those in-between times.  Although this was still going to be a demanding schedule and school program, the entire family was “all in!” The school also understands the challenges and was accommodating by offering a flexible schedule which included weekends.
Nikki told me that the tuition for the vocational school was unaffordable for the six-week program.  With TRVFA we were able to help someone’s dream come true—and in a field that would enable her to help others.  This is what is commonly known as a “win-win!”  It was a good feeling for me to have played a small part in making this happen; a very good reason to be a proud member of The Rotary.
The Women4Women in Surprise has a mission: To help homeless and low-income women maintain their dignity, self-respect, and health by distributing feminine hygiene products to those in need.  The Rotary Club of Surprise works with them periodically in an assembly line fashion to fill bags with these essential items to be distributed to individuals.  This event was organized by Jo Grant from the Women4Women organization.  
The Surprise Rotary Club Receives The District 5495 Friendship Inter-Rotary Trophy!  This memento is to foster better relationships with other Rotary clubs in the area.
Our monthly Rotary Club of Surprise volunteering project at Valley View Community Food Bank.
The Rotary Club of Surprise supported The Rotary Club of Sun City by attending their Italian Dinner Event
A splendid time was had for all during our "Adopt A Street" cleanup in Surprise!
Adopt-a-Street is our upcoming service project.  Come join us on March 9th, 10:30 am - 12:30 pm.
Surprise Club Rotarian Phil Souza helping out at a Sleep in Heavenly Peace Bed-Build in Buckeye, Arizona.
 District 5495 Governor, Kevin Pitts, visited The Rotary Club of Surprise!
Rotary Club Members and several guests visited Bonfire Craft Kitchen & Tap House.

🎄🔔 Ringing the Bell for a Great Cause! 🔔🎄

The Rotary Club of Surprise & Sun City West partnered with the Salvation Army to "Ring the Bell" and raise funds for those in need this holiday season. 🌟

We had the honor of spreading cheer and generosity at Bashas and Fry’s in Sun City West, as well as Fry’s on Bell & Reems. A huge thank you to our volunteers and the community for your support! Together, we’re making a difference. ❤️

Rotarian Phil Souza and his wife Susan Bell Ringing for the Salvation Army at Bashas. The kettle was full as people were very generous. 
Flagstar Bank hosted their annual Christmas gifting for Eve's Place. Rotarian Phil Souza volunteered along with Susan Paul-Souza and Dan Bradstreet. Families were able to select from a variety of toys and gifts for their parents, siblings and immediate family. The bank had a wrapping area set up as well and Santa stopped in for a visit. The event runs Friday - Sunday at Flagstaff Bank on Meeker Blvd and Grand Avenue in Surprise.
Rotarians at Work!
12 Rotarians and Friends of Rotary gathered on Saturday 10/26 to clean up a Surprise Steet. Our adopted street is N. Parkview Place from Greenway up to W. Paradise Lane.  
Join the Rotary Club of Surprise & Sun City West for our 3rd Annual Military Appreciation Event.  
Get your Free Ticket HERE >>>>>
The Rotary Club of Surprise Combines With The Rotary Club of Sun City West! 
The newest Rotary club in Arizona will now be The Rotary Club of Surprise and Sun City West!   Here Kevin Pitts, the outgoing Governor of Rotary International District 5495, swears in the officers for the 2024-2025 Fiscal Year! 
Congratulations to our new Board: (Right to Left) Traci Sawyer-Sinkbeil, President;  Jim Schlenvogt, President-Elect; 
Jesus Hernandez, Immediate Past President; Glenn Schmitt, outgoing president of Sun City West and now Officer; Ron Klaphake, Officer; Nancy Collins, Officer.
Former Interact Students were recognized for their contribution to our Rotary Club.  They each gave an update on their post-high school education and plans for their future.  In addition, Francisco Olaiz, (second from right) was one of two recipients for the 2024-2025 George Wheeler Scholarship.  The other student is Zoey Vincze (not in the photograph).  Their former teacher and Youth Service Director, Jeri Robertson is third from left; President-Elect Traci Sawyer-Sinkbeil is at the far right.
Youth Service Director Jeri Robertson (Left) was presented with a check by
President-Elect Traci Sawyer-Sinkbeil (Right) for the Arizona Charter Academy for their students' assistance at our 2023 Golf Tournament!  

Congratulations to Phillip Souza, Treasurer and Chairperson of our Golf Committee, who was presented with The Paul Harris Fellow award for his generous donation.  His award and pin was given by President-Elect Traci Sawyer-Sinkbeil.
On Saturday, May 4, 2024, members Susan and Phil volunteered for a Superhero event by A Mighty Change of Heart ( This organization offers support and resources to foster children to help provide for a stable home life. 
Tonight, members Jon Cavaletto and Ron Klaphake received the Paul Harris Fellowship Award and pin!  This is given to members who donate a certain amount to The Rotary Foundation.  Ron received a pin containing 4 rubies representing a total giving of between $5,000 and $5,999; Jon received a pin with 3 rubies for donating between $4,000 and $4,999.   Each received a certificate for being a member of the Paul Harris Society.  Congratulations gentlemen!
(L to R) Director of Membership, Ron Klaphake; Director, Jon Cavaletto; President-Elect, Traci Sawyer-Sinkbeil; Secretary Pamela Kohnen.
On this historic evening, President-Elect, Traci Sawyer-Sinkbeil of The Rotary Club of Surprise, held a members' vote on merging our club with The Rotary Club of Sun City West.  The vote was unanimous among the members who were present.  During this meeting, Ron Klaphake inducted a new member, Nancy Estrada, into our group!  Welcome, Nancy! (L to R:  President-Elect, Traci Sawyer-Sinkbeil; Secretary Pamela Kohnen, Ron Klaphake, and Nancy Estrada.)
Members of the Rotary Club of Surprise had a fun time filling up donated bags of beans for the less fortunate.  At Rotary we get involved in all kinds of things to help people!
Congratulations to Phil Souza (right) who is our Rotary Member of the Month!  Jesus Hernandez (left), the President of our Rotary Club, is presenting a pin.
Ron Klaphake, a long-time member of the Rotary Club, was spotlighted this month.  
An Example of How One Rotary Club in Arizona is Helping to Make The World A Better Place!
John A.Yaeger
The Rotary Club of Surprise, Arizona, recently sponsored a student for a grant from The Rotary Vocational Fund of Arizona, Inc. (TRVFA).  This is a non-profit organization whose purpose is to assist candidates in obtaining financial assistance in furthering their vocational studies.  Grants are awarded up to $2,000 and paid directly to a school on behalf of the recipient.  In this recent case, we’ll call our beneficiary “Nikki” to protect her privacy.
Nikki lives in Surprise, Arizona with her husband and five children!  The last two were twins—born prematurely—and had to stay in the hospital for several weeks.  During her daily visits, she became friendly with many nurses.  Some were not only competent, and passionate, but formed a bond with Nikki as they joyfully took a personal interest in monitoring the health of her twins.  This experience had a profound influence on the young mother of five.  As a result, she set a new course that involved her passion for helping people.
Nikki participates in her church’s activities and helps those less fortunate parishioners by making extra food and taking it to them.  During my interview with her, it became clear that I was speaking with a community-minded, caring person.  She was under no illusions as to how much time and money was needed to invest in becoming a nurse, but still enquired about getting into this field.
The nurses caring for her babies explained the path for Nikki to become a nurse.  At this stage, she would have to attend a vocational school and become a Certified Nursing Assistant.  With that accreditation, she could start working in the medical field.  Nikki told me that she worked out a plan to take care of her family while she was at school: her husband worked flexible hours and they were on the cusp of finding a trusted, nearby babysitter for those in-between times.  Although this was still going to be a demanding schedule and school program, the entire family was “all in!” The school also understands the challenges and was accommodating by offering a flexible schedule which included weekends.
Nikki told me that the tuition for the vocational school was unaffordable for the six-week program.  With TRVFA we were able to help someone’s dream come true—and in a field that would enable her to help others.  This is what is commonly known as a “win-win!”  It was a good feeling for me to have played a small part in making this happen; a very good reason to be a proud member of The Rotary.
The Women4Women in Surprise has a mission: To help homeless and low-income women maintain their dignity, self-respect, and health by distributing feminine hygiene products to those in need.  The Rotary Club of Surprise works with them periodically in an assembly line fashion to fill bags with these essential items to be distributed to individuals.  This event was organized by Jo Grant from the Women4Women organization.  
The Surprise Rotary Club Receives The District 5495 Friendship Inter-Rotary Trophy!  This memento is to foster better relationships with other Rotary clubs in the area.
Our monthly Rotary Club of Surprise volunteering project at Valley View Community Food Bank.
The Rotary Club of Surprise supported The Rotary Club of Sun City by attending their Italian Dinner Event
A splendid time was had for all during our "Adopt A Street" cleanup in Surprise!
Adopt-a-Street is our upcoming service project.  Come join us on March 9th, 10:30 am - 12:30 pm.
Surprise Club Rotarian Phil Souza helping out at a Sleep in Heavenly Peace Bed-Build in Buckeye, Arizona.
 District 5495 Governor, Kevin Pitts, visited The Rotary Club of Surprise!
Rotary Club Members and several guests visited Bonfire Craft Kitchen & Tap House.
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Club Executives & Directors
Immediate Past President
President Nominee
President Elect
Director. Membership Chair
Director, Public Image
Director, The Rotary Foundation
Director, Service Projects
Committee Chair, Youth Programs
February 2025
 16th Annual    Golf Scramble    November 16, 2024!
Upcoming Events
Member Birthdays:
  • Gerald Nosotti
    February 22
  • Amanda Sanchez
    February 26
Join Date:
  • Mike Byers
    February 1, 1987
    38 years
  • Chris Judd
    February 6, 2014
    11 years
  • Robert Evans
    February 23, 2020
    5 years
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